Nossa equipe de sourcing profissional pode ajudá-lo a encontrar ou fabricar os materiais de ensino de engenharia e matemática (STEM) de que você precisa. Você pode encontrar muitas opções de material escolar STEM em um só lugar. Você também terá alternativas quando não conseguir encontrar os projetos de tecnologia STEM certos.

Algumas caixas de tema STEM populares
Crie caixas temáticas emocionantes que darão às crianças horas de aprendizado divertido. Nossas caixas de projeto STEM podem vir com sua escolha de mais de 10 projetos desafiadores. Apenas algumas das possibilidades são:
Caixa de suprimentos STEM da ciência
Uma caixa de ciências com projetos de clima, geologia ou química para todas as idades

Caixa de suprimentos STEM de tecnologia
Uma caixa de tecnologia com projetos mistos e combinados. Comece com um molde comum para eficiência de custos e, em seguida, crie combinações para dar à sua classe uma ampla variedade de opções.

Caixa de suprimentos STEM de engenharia
Uma caixa de engenharia com sua escolha de projetos de construção, eletrônica ou robótica

Caixa de suprimentos Math STEM
Uma caixa de matemática onde as crianças podem praticar tesselações, quebra-cabeças ou aprender habilidades de contagem

É fácil obter seus suprimentos STEM fabricados pela Panda Crafty
Construa uma caixa STEM para crianças com uma grande variedade de itens. Escolha entre matemática STEM, kits de experimentos científicos, ideias de engenharia STEM ou projetos de tecnologia STEM.
Use sua lista de suprimentos STEM para criar uma caixa empolgante. Sua caixa pode ter mais de 10 projetos de tecnologia STEM diferentes.
O preço simples garante que você fique dentro do seu orçamento e encontre os projetos de engenharia STEM certos para seus alunos.
Nossos produtos são certificados de acordo com os padrões EN-71 / ASTM F963 / CPSIA / CPSC / CA65. Nós escolhemos apenas os melhores materiais para criar seu material escolar STEM. Isso significa que seus brinquedos são seguros e educacionais.
Você pode usar nossas lindas caixas de marcas personalizadas com materiais educacionais STEM populares existentes. Crie brinquedos divertidos e exclusivos para a sua turma ou produtos para o seu negócio!
Você pode desenvolver facilmente suas ideias para a ciência do vapor ou outros projetos de engenharia STEM. Conte-nos suas ideias e nossa experiência em sourcing estratégico tornará sua visão realidade.
Compre facilmente kits de ciência por atacado, Kits de materiais escolares por atacado, materiais de arte a granel para professores, pais ou sua empresa.
NÃO É NECESSÁRIO repetir seus requisitos para diferentes fabricantes
O Panda Crafty não é apenas o fornecedor dos projetos de engenharia STEM que você já possui.
Você pode criar novos brinquedos de engenharia e matemática de tecnologia científica a partir de sua lista de materiais de educação STEM.
Serviços de design e fabricação em um só lugar significam pedidos convenientes para você.
Uma escolha ilimitada de material para seus brinquedos educativos
Existem muitos fabricantes diferentes de brinquedos educativos na China.
A maioria produz os mesmos brinquedos educacionais simples no mesmo material, com acessórios limitados.
No Panda Crafty, nossa equipe trabalhará muito para encontrar a melhor fonte de artesanato para seus alunos.
Escolha entre madeira, feltro, espuma, papel, PET e muito mais. Nossos especialistas em sourcing estratégico trabalham com muitos fabricantes de brinquedos educacionais para encontrar os materiais de que você precisa.

Deixe-nos ajudá-lo a criar seus próprios brinquedos educacionais exclusivos
Brinquedos educacionais personalizados são uma ótima maneira de ensinar. Crianças em todo o mundo adoram aprender com produtos de engenharia STEM ou atividades matemáticas. Podemos criar uma caixa STEM para crianças desenhada por você!
Você tem a ideia e nós temos as soluções. Temos orgulho de sermos flexíveis e comprometidos com as melhores soluções para a realização de seus projetos.

Obtenha fortes apoios
Envie-nos sua lista de materiais STEM, lista de suprimentos de laboratório STEM ou ideia de atividades matemáticas.
Deixe-nos encontrar os brinquedos e projetos educacionais certos para você!
Não importa o quão grande ou pequeno seja, de uma sala de aula com 30 alunos a uma empresa que vende milhares de kits de experimentos científicos .
No Panda Crafty, você encontrará as soluções de sourcing de produtos de que precisa para tornar a educação divertida e desafiadora para as crianças!
Com as fábricas e nosso depósito localizados em Xangai, estamos próximos das fontes de todos os nossos produtos.
Seu projeto será gerenciado de perto por nossos agentes de sourcing estratégico.
Eles irão garantir que atenda a todos os seus requisitos e que o produto final seja de alta qualidade.
Frequently Asked Questions and Cases Studies
Panda Crafty STEM Craft Supplies FAQ
1. What does STEM stand for?
STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. These fields have been historically deemed as incredibly difficult and only for the elite. The mission with noting the STEM group is to try and rid all barriers to entry and to encourage kids to become involved in the four different subjects. It is a curriculum designed to make the aforementioned subjects more engaging and attainable from an early age.
2. What are STEM craft supplies?
They are craft kits that include experiments, pieces of equipment, or toys that help in developing certain technological skills, practicing arithmetic, or learning basic scientific and engineering principles. We offer various kits to strengthen each area of STEM education.
3. Who are STEM crafts supplies for?
The STEM craft supplies we provide are aimed towards children of all ages so that they can both enjoy and excel in the STEM field. Different age groups have different needs and at Panda Crafty we’re happy to offer different levels of intricacy and difficulty. This makes sure that the kits remain challenging and most importantly engaging.
4. Do you provide options when it comes to the type of STEM toys/kits on offer?
At Panda Crafty, we are proud of the number of options we offer to our customers.
Our large catalog caters to a wide audience and we are always bringing in new stock.
If you haven’t found the kit or item that fits your needs, please get in touch with us.
We’re always happy to work with our clients and find the right product that works for them.
5. Where can I find more information about your kits?
You can find most of the information on our website.
Beyond that always feel free to send us a message and we’ll be quick to get back to you.
We work directly with the manufacturers and are happy to offer as much information as you may need in terms of kits you may wish to potentially order. Panda Crafty wants their customers to be confident in the supplies they are buying and are dedicated to making sure their STEM supplies data is as transparent as possible.
6. Does Panda Crafty custom build STEM supplies?
Yes. Panda Crafty are connected to different size suppliers and manufacturers in all of China.
And Panda Crafty will help you make the artwork with experience to archive your designs.
This means that we are capable of making your vision a reality whether you have a completely original idea or need edits made to an already available product.
We love hearing from our customers and getting to work with their ideas to make the STEM crafts market bigger and more inclusive.
7. I own a brand, can I customize the packaging?
When it comes to the packaging of STEM supplies, we do offer the ability to customize the packaging.
This can make it so the product is generic and without watermarks or price markings or if you have specific branding requirements, we’re happy to accommodate that.
This means that we can make sure that all of the stock ordered comes with your logo already attached ready to be sold.
8. Do you offer OEM/ODM for your STEM supplies and kits?
We offer both original equipment manufacturing (OEM) and original design manufacturing (ODM) for all of our STEM supplies and kits. We want to be able to support our clients in being as creative as possible, and this means that we fully embrace their ideas and do our very best to bring them to life.
We offer a full range of options, from adult craft projects, kids' craft projects, educational toys, and STEM supplies.
Whether it’s just an idea or nearing a prototype, we want to work with you to bring your vision to the STEM supplies marketplace so that children can benefit from your creation.
9. I want a couple of experiments from each discipline, can this be done?
Yes, we offer the ability to make up boxes of experiments and kits to fit your exact needs and requirements.
Choose from the four educational STEM supplies subjects and create an exciting box for your storefront or for your children.
Our catalog offers an impressive amount of choice and beyond that, we’re always happy to source more products should you require that.
10. What sort of materials can I make use of?
We have a wide variety of different materials that are available to use for your STEM crafts and kits.
Our sourcing team will go above and beyond to make sure that we do as much as we can to replicate and produce your ideas to the highest possible standard.
If you have certain materials in mind, please make note of them and we’ll do what we can to accommodate your needs.
11. Can I order samples?
Yes, you can order samples of STEM supplies that are already in stock or if you wish to customize your product, we can provide samples once they’re completed.
We want our customers to believe in our stock as much as we do so we are happy to offer videos, pictures, and samples of all of our craft products, including our STEM supplies.
12. What is the minimum order for STEM craft kits?
The minimum order is only 100 units which can be a mix of different kits and supplies.
We are always wanting to offer our customers the best prices for both the product and shipping.
This is why we handle both freight and import cost so you don’t have to when it comes to shipments of any size.
13. I want to sell STEM supplies in my museum/craft store/bookshop, do you take orders in bulk?
We offer educational STEM supplies in bulk that will be the ideal fit for a children’s active learning section.
Panda Crafty is happy to provide customized arrangements for orders of all sizes.
We want our repeat and long-term customers to have all the STEM supplies they need in the timeliest and most cost-effective way possible. Whether your business is big or small we’re happy to provide the same reliable and consistent service.
14. Can I buy STEM supplies for individual subjects?
Yes, we split our STEM supplies up into the different subjects so that they remain individual to the topic.
Whether you want to mix and match the equipment or buy for one specific area of learning we are happy to accommodate you.
We want to offer each of our customers the most personalized experience possible so if you wish to create a box that suits the child(ren) you’re buying for you can without issue.
15. Do I have to deal with different suppliers if I want science and engineering products?
No, it all goes through Panda Crafty.
Once you make your order with us, we handle everything for you.
With years of experience with many different supplies and manufacturers, we have working relationships with makers of all the wholesale craft and STEM supplies that we have on offer. This means that whether you want science experiments, a maths puzzle, or a coding kit, we can offer it all in the same STEM kit box if you so wish.
16. I teach/mind kids, are STEM supplies right to keep them entertained?
STEM supplies and kits are proven to keep children of all ages engaged and learning while at play. It helps them improve their motor and problem-solving skills as well as bringing out their creativity from a young age. It’s important for their development that they are offered varied means of playing.
17. Do you sell STEM supplies suitable for schools?
We offer certified STEM school supplies perfect for all ages.
Whether you’re looking to advance your students' mathematical skill or increase their interest in science we have products that will suit. We want to support your classroom’s growth in making STEM subjects more accessible to all students as early as possible.
This is why we provide such a broad range of approved educational STEM supplies on mass.
18. I’m not sure what supplies I should buy for what age group, can you help me?
Our team is always happy to help clients with orders and picking out the right products. When it comes to STEM supplies it’s important that children are met with the correct challenge for their age range and ability.
19. Are STEM supplies appropriate for home-schooling?
Yes, our school STEM supplies help both in schools and at home. No matter the setting, children will benefit from learning being disguised as engaging and entertaining fun.
The products are educational STEM supplies to allow for skill development and would be suitable for the context of home-schooling.
20. I know of a STEM kit I want but I don’t see it on your website, what should I do?
We try our hardest to maintain our stock list but it can oftentimes take a backseat with such a high turnover of different products.
If you feel as though we’re missing a product on our website or you’d like to inquire about ordering please contact us.
If we don’t already have it in stock, our sourcing team will do all they can to have it in one of our warehouses and on its way to you as soon as is possible.
21. Can you tell me what STEM supplies are trending?
We’re happy to share with our customers what kits have been most popular and to give general advice for what the best options might be. As you can imagine this changes month to month so for the most current information, ask us a week or two before you plan to order your products. Get in touch with us and we can talk about what the products might be right considering your particular circumstance.
22. What can I expect from the STEM kits?
This depends on the type of kit you order.
From our science STEM kits, you can expect small experiments that showcase reactions and teach children basic scientific notions.
Technology gives children a chance to understand circuits and magnets. In terms of engineering, our kits offer the chance to build small robots and experiments to showcase certain laws.
Mathematics kits help children to both learn and practice their work with numbers as well as being challenged by puzzles.
Our educational STEM supplies offer all this and beyond depending on what it is you want out of them.
If there’s something you feel we’re missing, please let us know and we’ll do everything we can to source it for you.
23. Are the STEM kits safe?
Our kits are completely safe for children to use.
The STEM supplies we use are certified to EN-71/ASTM F963/CPSIA/CPSC/CA65 standards. This means rigorous testing and quality assurance as we continue to source and produce our kits.
We opt to choose the best materials for our kits so that our STEM school and home supplies are both harmless and educational.
24. Do you ship STEM supplies internationally?
We do.
We ship to the US, the UK, Europe, and Asia. All of these regions have both standard and express shipping available.
Due to Covid-19, this, along with shipping times may be affected depending on the courier themselves.
If you’re concerned that we might not ship to your country get in contact and we’ll be happy to confirm that with you.
25. Is it okay to import science STEM kits if they contain chemicals?
Yes, all of our kits have been tested and certified to be completely safe.
This means that they are safe to use and safe to be shipped.
Once you place your order with us, we take care of everything so should an issue arise, we will be quick to notify you while we deal with the issue.
26. Can I buy other craft supplies with my STEM supplies?
Absolutely. Panda Crafty offers a wide variety of arts and crafts supplies alongside our array of children’s STEM supplies.
Explore our website and bag supplies for all subjects.
If your order becomes larger than expected or you need assistance fitting it into your budget, we’re happy to walk you through different options.
27. Do I manage the shipping by myself?
Panda Crafty has a full team dedicated to making sure our customers have as hassle-free an experience as possible.
For us, this means that we manage the whole order once it’s placed, including quality assurance and shipping from our door to yours. When ordering your STEM supplies from us you don’t have to worry about anything beyond picking out the products you’d like to buy, we handle the rest.
28. Are your STEM supplies affected by Covid-19?
As we’ve seen almost everything has been affected but we are doing as much as we possibly can to keep the products our customers need in stock.
Currently, we are having no issues with supplies of our STEM kits and do not foresee any lack in stock.
29. What happens if I’m not happy with an order?
We hope that this never happens but always look to be proactively prepared to look after our customers.
If you are unhappy with the product you’ve received, would like to return something or the product isn’t working as intended, contact us as soon as possible. We at Panda Crafty want to rectify any issues you may have with any of our products, including our selection of STEM supplies as soon an issue arises.
30. Are there other ways to contact you to talk about an order?
Feel free to get in touch via our website or via WhatsApp. We’re happy to speak to our clients in whatever way is most convenient for them. Our staff at Panda Crafty will make themselves available as soon as possible to answer any and all of your queries.
Case Studies
PROMPT: An owner of a bookstore looking to add educational STEM supplies to their inventory.
RESPONSE: Panda Crafty would be able to create a working relationship with their buyer and help them in deciding what might fit alongside other inventory they already have. Beyond that, they would handle everything once an order had been settled on and placed. This would include sourcing, quality control, shipping, and importing. The order would then be shipped and delivered, offering that bookstore some of the highest quality educational STEM supplies directly from the manufacturers. With these STEM products in stock, it offers diversity to the owner’s shelves and offers parents different options when picking out toys and supplies for their children.
PROMPT: A teacher wants to liven up their classroom by adding school STEM supplies.
RESPONSE: The teacher happens upon the Panda Crafty website and has an idea in mind for STEM supplies or kits they’d like their children to use. If there are edits that need to be made to the product to be more suitable depending on age ranges that can be organized and then finalized. Once the teacher is happy with the edits, an order can be made and the educational STEM supplies will be shipped to their home or directly to their place of work. With those STEM supplies in hand, the children will be entered into a world of curiosity, creativity and be more open to learning while having fun.
PROMPT: A large arts and crafts store is looking for wholesale STEM supplies.
RESPONSE: Panda Crafty would look to make sure that the arts and crafts store is well stocked by offering them some of the best and newest STEM supplies to hit the market. This can come with necessary customization for branding, logos, and color schemes to make the products their own. Samples can be sent out for testing; this is to ensure that the buyer is happy with the quality and aesthetic of the final product. Once they are satisfied an order can be made and shipping will commence after a thorough quality assurance procedure. With the coveted STEM supplies on the shelves that means the arts and crafts store has what their customers have been searching for. Panda Crafty is always happy to partner up long-term with stores looking for wholesale supplies and will make every effort to keep providing quality products and service.
PROMPT: A parent wants school STEM supplies to help with homeschooling their child.
RESPONSE: A parent is searching through the web in hopes of finding new and exciting supplies to make schooling fun and intriguing for their children. They come across Panda Crafty's extensive catalog of school STEM supplies and want to make a box of supplies that will help throughout the school year. The staff the parent contacts help with pricing and making sure they stay on target with their budget while getting the STEM supplies, they want. They create a custom box of school STEM supplies to suit their kids' interests and needs. Once the order is placed, a quality check is carried out and the products are shipped. Straight from Panda Crafty to the parent’s home so that they can get to use their STEM supplies as soon as possible. Their life is made easier by having a diversified method of teaching their children while at play via educational STEM supplies. This works wonders for more hands-on children who wish to be involved with learning rather than just listening.
PROMPT: A science museum gift shop wants to order STEM supplies for their younger visitors.
RESPONSE: A science museum attracts many school tours each year, as well as families making day trips to entertain their kids. This gift shop wants to expand their options and turns to Panda Crafty for wholesale, customized STEM supplies directly from China. They decide on the different science kits that mirror what they offer in the museum itself and offer their logo as part of the personalized branding. The order is completed so that a quality check can be carried out and if needed samples can be sent to the museum to ensure satisfaction from their buyer. The museum then receives their shipment and can now display experiments and kits that match what the kids have seen in the museum. The kids can take their experiment home with them and test it out while the museum gift shop offers more buyer-orientated products.
Para ser um parceiro essencial em projetos DIY Craft, o sucesso dos clientes através da experiência em sourcing de kits habilidosos, soluções de fabricação de produtos artesanais, acompanhamento da produção com cuidado, lucratividade e para a máxima satisfação do consumidor.
Ovos de Páscoa em uma caixa de música
Projeto Surpresa Rose
Projeto de P&D Artesanato / Faça Você Mesmo
Produzindo Solução de Artesanato
Impressão em papel e serviço de embalagem
Tubos flexíveis de origem com preço alvo à porta
Conjuntos de tecido de tamanho personalizado
Carro de madeira personalizado com preço-alvo
100 caixas de caixa de brinquedos DIY para iniciar a solução
Shanghai Panda Crafty Co., Ltd
Sala 315, Edifício No.1 B,
Lang 1670 Xiuyan Road,
Xangai, 201315